
What do Business Intelligence Consultants do at Koios

You might be interested in what Mirjam has to say, having been working as a BI Consultant at Koios for a few years.

Do you remember your first working day?
The first day at Koios, I was greeted by my colleague Tomislav, who introduced me to another colleague Ivan and then briefed me on a project I was to join them on. That was over 3 years ago, and we all still work here. Not on the same project, mind you.

What exactly do Business Intelligence Consultants do?
My job is to combine data from various sources and systems and analyze it to provide new, valuable and actionable management insights and offer guidance for future business or project management steps. It may sound boring, but it’s very intense, like a detective investigation. Seemingly insignificant data can sometimes provide mission-critical insights.
When I tell people what I do, they initially think I am sat at a computer for 8 hours a day without human contact – which is so wrong. My work could not be done without speaking to other team members and end-users.

What do you like about your job, what is not so nice?
I like to be in touch with the business side, to see implemented solutions being used to reach favourable business decisions. I love being part of a team. There are days when technical difficulties play with our nerves, but with some patience and effort, every project has a happy ending.
I am currently working on a project with the ultimate goal of implementing a logic to identify unreliable bank clients.
It’s fulfilling to be working with people who understand the matter, as people on the other side, our clients, are mostly mathematicians and economists.

Got any anecdotes to share?
Sometimes our users forget what they asked for in a request that we’ve implemented according to their wishes and instructions. Then we all look at each other, scratching our heads as we try to remember ‘what did we actually want to achieve with this’. That always ends in an explosion of laughter.

Something to tell your future colleagues?
At Koios teamwork, healthy working atmosphere, getting help from your coworkers and appreciation of others’ ideas are not empty promises made before you sign the contract. It’s taken seriously. I have proof.